The well-being of water and colour
Colour therapy products by Graffio combine the past, present and future of a discipline renowned since ancient times, with testimonials of colour therapy practices dating as far back as Ancient Egyptian times.
Catalogued as an alternative and unscientific medicine while remaining widespread throughout the world, colour therapy proposes healing therapies applied in different fields, including interior design. Shower items for colour therapy by Graffio are based on the potential positive influences of colour on everyday well-being, combined with the properties of water, which has always been a source of health and relaxation.
From the union of the beneficial properties of water and colour, enhanced by Graffio’s very own Made in Italy design, this range of shower products for Wellness exudes superior stylistic beauty. It is ideal for the most refined bathrooms, wellness centres, SPAs and hotels looking to provide customers with an exclusive service.
Graffio and colour therapy: all the well-being of water and colour!